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February 01, 2010


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Andrew Shaffer

I agree that "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" captures the time and place like few other books do. As a historical record, it's certainly intriguing. I've heard it described as "heartwarming," but it is, as you say, somewhat upsetting. At times, the lengthy descriptions of food and its scarcity were just plain difficult to read.

I had just finished reading Julie Powell's "Julie and Julia" prior to reading "A Tree..." Talk about two different Brooklyns! In one book, there's barely enough food to scrape together a full meal more than once a week. In the other book, there's almost more food than the author has time to eat.

Reading both books back-to-back was a surreal reading experience, but definitely a reminder that although times may be tough, there's little comparison to the world our grandparents were born into. I could relate to one ("Julie...") and not so much to the other ("A Tree...")--and for that, I'm thankful.

Patti B.

A Tree Grows In Brooklyn is an excellent book..recommended on the AP English Class list at the local high school in town.

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I have read this book many times about "A tree grows in Brooklyn. This is fantastic book. I can't wait for the next edition.

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Nope, but as you elaborate about the good content in the book, I am going to read this,I love reading books especially with good content,and I want to avail of this one,

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Interesting title and I want to read it for my spare time.

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