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Kayleigh George

  • Senior Marketing Associate
    Academic and Library Marketing HarperCollins Publishers

My Picks


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  • Location: United States


I'm 26, an avid reader, and a senior marketing associate at HarperCollins. As a 20something, I can assure you, the years between 20 and 30 are hectic, stressful, strange, and euphoric. The bottom line is that we're in the process of discovering who we are, and books are a great mirror to that experience.

This blog is my own take on 20something lit- something for hipsters, English majors, poetry buffs, and those of us making our first foray into the sometimes-unforgiving corporate world.

If you like what you're reading, drop me an email, or leave a comment on the page. I'd love to hear from you!


bringing new books to librarians and 20somethings